Aim and Scope

Aim : The aims of this open-access, and peer-reviewed journal are as follows:

  • To publish full-length original, theoretical, and experimental-based research articles.
  • To disseminate original research, scientific research, and applied research with new empirically robust findings.
  • To provide an international platform for researchers, engineers, scientists, academicians, industrialists, and policymakers to publish new findings with a strong empirical component.

Scope of the Journal : It has a broad scope and the following topics are covered by the journal.
Researches in the field of Medical Sciences which including- Basic Medical Science (Anatomy, Physiology, and Biochemistry) Para-clinical (Pathology, Microbiology, Pharmacology, Forensic medicine, Community medicine) and Clinical Sciences (Medicine, Surgery, Obstetrics Gynaecology, Orthopaedics, Paediatrics, Ophthalmology, Otolaryngology, Psychiatry, Dermatology), Other-Medical Ethics, Medical Education, Medical Statistics etc. 

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