Volume-11 , Issue-4 , Aug 2024, ISSN 2348-4519 (Online)

  • Open Access   Article

    Statistical Inference for Rayleigh Distribution Using Ranked Set Sampling: A Bayesian Approach

    Fahad M. Al Subhi

    Research Paper | Journal-Paper (IJSRMSS)

    Vol.11 , Issue.4 , pp.1-13, Aug-2024

  • Open Access   Article

    Analysis of Commercial Aircrafts Based on Maneuverability Condition

    Raja Munusamy, Sudhir Kumar Chaturvedi, Kokila Vasudevan

    Research Paper | Journal-Paper (IJSRMSS)

    Vol.11 , Issue.4 , pp.14-19, Aug-2024

  • Open Access   Article

    Analysis of the Cholera Disease and Control Using the SIRD Model

    S. Munira, M.S. Atureta, K.E. Lasisi

    Research Paper | Journal-Paper (IJSRMSS)

    Vol.11 , Issue.4 , pp.20-23, Aug-2024

  • Open Access   Article

    A Novel Area-Biased Distribution With Essential Statistical Properties

    Asgar Ali, Aafaq A. Rather, Berihan R. Elemary

    Research Paper | Journal-Paper (IJSRMSS)

    Vol.11 , Issue.4 , pp.24-28, Aug-2024

  • Open Access   Article

    Design and Formulation for Multi-Party Computation in Elliptic Curve Cryptography

    Domven Lohcwat, D.G. Yakubu, M.I. Bello

    Research Paper | Journal-Paper (IJSRMSS)

    Vol.11 , Issue.4 , pp.29-33, Aug-2024

  • Open Access   Article

    On The Applications of Stiefel-Whitney Classes of Real Bott Manifolds

    Daniel Danladi, Domven Lohcwat, Isah Abdullahi

    Research Paper | Journal-Paper (IJSRMSS)

    Vol.11 , Issue.4 , pp.34-37, Aug-2024

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