Coverage Area

This journal focuses on cutting-edge results in recent sciences and its applications. It aims to bring together scientists, researchers and students to exchange novel ideas and results in all aspects of recent sciences and its applications. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to the following:

Coverage Area: It is the only journal in the world which publish research papers, review papers, review articles, technical reports and short commutations in all aspects of science such as Agriculture and Forestry Sciences, Animal, Veterinary and Fishery Sciences, Biological Sciences, Chemical Sciences, Computer Sciences and Information Technology, Earth Sciences, Engineering Sciences (Civil, Cybernetics Electrical, Electronics, Mechanical, Textile, etc), Environmental Sciences, Forensic Sciences, Family, Community and Consumer Sciences, Home Sciences, Humanity Sciences, Library Sciences, Material Sciences Mathematical and Statistical Sciences, Medical Sciences, Military Sciences, Pharmaceutical Sciences, Physical Sciences, Physical Education Sciences, Educational Sciences: For School Students, Women, Village and Society, Commerce, Law and Management related with Sciences, Anthropological and Behavioral Sciences: Sociology, Social Sciences: Researches in the field of Economics, Political Science, Geography, Drawing, Music, Dance, Philosophy, History and Languages concerning with science, Journalism and Role of Media in science, Role of NGOs in the protection of environment.

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