Volume-5 , Issue-4 , Apr 2019, ISSN 2454-9312 (Online), 2454-6143 (Print) Go Back
Open Access Article
Assessment and Impact Study of Pesticides Residue Pollution in River Water: A Review
Rubina Chaudhary, Snehlata Soni
Review Paper | Isroset-Journal (IJSRMS)
Vol.5 , Issue.4 , pp.1-14, Apr-2019
River Water quality has become global issue due to population growth, rapid industrialization and agricultural practices. Water bodies are used for irrigation and significantly acts for environmental, social and economic functions. The present study focus on the pesticides residue pollution in Indian rivers. Globally, 80 percent of municipal wastewater is discharged into water bodies untreated, and millions of tones of heavy metals, solvents, toxic sludge and other wastes into water bodies each year (WWAP, 2017) as a industrial effluent. Agriculture, which accounts for 70 percent of water abstractions worldwide, plays a major role in water pollution. Presence of pesticide residues like organochlorine and organophasphorus are potentially toxic. Pesticides are entering natural water and their distribution processes are controlled by a dynamic set of physical-chemical equilibrium. The input of pesticides residue in surface waters has particular concern due to their toxic nature. After entering to water bodies, pesticides accumulate in water, sediments, and biota. These concentrations determined were more than the maximum admissible and desirable limit when compared with the National and International organizations like WHO, USEPA. Therefore Pesticides can affect human health and Create acute and chronic risks in children and adults, may also affect biodiversity by killing weeds and insects, with negative impacts up the food chain, fauna and flora. This review is mainly focus on the assessment and impact on human health and vegetables by different pesticides present in the water bodies.Key-Words / Index Term
Pesticides, MCL, Organochlorine & Organophasphorus, WHO, AgricultureReferences
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Rubina Chaudhary, Snehlata Soni, "Assessment and Impact Study of Pesticides Residue Pollution in River Water: A Review," International Journal of Scientific Research in Multidisciplinary Studies , Vol.5, Issue.4, pp.1-14, 2019
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